Secret Agent #0591
Real Name, Lucien Russo
A master spy known for disguise and infiltration
Currently has two aliases/looks that he sticks to when on a mission
Here you will learn about him & those fake lives he lives on missions.

Name. Lucien Russo
Nickname[s]. Luci
Gender. Cis Male
Pronouns. He / Him
Birthday. July 9th
Age. 27
Orientation. Pansexual / Panromantic
Occupation. Spy / Secret Agent
Hair Color. Dark Brown
Eye Color. Onyx
Notable Features. Three Beauty Marks under his eye

PersonalityLucien is the playful and seemingly never serious type when it comes to anything, though that is proven false when it is time for a mission ( out with the playful and in with the serious and dedicated spy who is ready to play a role to fit into the mission he is given ). He's an amazing actor, easy to slip into false sadness, false anger and really he's good at faking any emotion, though this makes a mess for him later because while he is good at faking absolutely every emotion to play a part, he's very bad at truly expressing himself and feeling things in a real sense, emotions are tricky things despite being a master at faking it, he doesn't really understand the emotions one damn bit. He has a stubborn streak and when I say stubborn I mean it's like you'll want to hit your head against the wall over how stubborn his stupid ass is. He's loyal to an absolute fault and once he's become loyal to you, he will never betray you or let anything hurt you.

You have met the real face of Lucien, now to introduce you to two of his go to disguises & fake lives.
Despite these being complete disguises, these people he lives as in these disguise exists in every sense but you will never see Lucien nor these people in the same room given that he is them.
They exist on paper but their lives/family/relationships are all a complete sham in the end because that was never a real person.

Name. Aspen De Rossi
Nickname[s]. Penny
Gender. Cis Male
Pronouns. He / Him
Birthday. May 12th
Age. 25
Occupation. Depends on the mission, typically used for spying & infiltration mission that require a head down and quiet approach.
Hair Color. Black & Green ( I know my psd makes it look blue i'm sorry ).
Eye Color. Amber
Notable Features. Three Beauty Marks under his eye.

PersonalityAspen is described by others as a quiet and keeps to himself type of guy, probably the kind of guy that could never do anything wrong despite looking like some kind of edgelord with his whole punk aesthetic. Many have noted that he seems to be rather naïve and he's quite easy to fool, perhaps he's not that bright but he's got a lot of spirit. Some have also noted that he is forgetful as ever as he gets lost quite easily, ending up in places he shouldn't be and never meant to get there, he always sputters and is full of stuttered out apologies ( oh please forgive him before he melts into a puddle of embarrassment for his mixup and easily lost nature ). He only means well to others and could not hurt a fly it seems, my my he's been noted to be quite the weakling by many and even seems as if he is a pacifist.

Trivia✧ Fun fact, you could be dating a spy. You see, he's actually been known to date a few people he was told to spy on for things that the agency is looking into. The relationships always end abruptly with "oh I have to move back home my parents need me" or "I just can't see us together anymore" and whatever version of him that you've dated is gone the next day. You'll still hear of that person and their "lives" are still going on but, without you and without warning.✧ He has actually dated people that weren't part of anything to do with whatever spying mission he was on, unfortunately he had to live the life he was set to live for that mission so they dated a lie in the long run and the guilt always makes him break things off. As it turns out, the life of a spy that has to live fake lives frequently just does not translate over to a very healthy and happy love life it would seem.✧ his beauty marks are going to give him away one day maybe, who knows?✧ Each persona has their own age & birthday rather than them having the same birthday as himself because he's not trying to have his fake lives lead back to him with the whole matching of birthdays ( yet i still stare at the beauty marks you idiot ).✧ As Aspen his voice is very soft. As himself he's got a very level voice and actually it's a bit monotone.

BasicsName: Kilian Lehmann
Nickname[s]: Kil, Kili
Gender: Cis male
Pronouns: He / Him
Birthday: April 27th
Age: 24
Orientation: Pansexual / Panromantic
Occupation: Juice Bar Owner
Ethnicity: White ( German )
AppearanceHair Color: Pale Blonde
Eye Color: Pink
Notable Features: Eyes, Dimples
Style: Actually incredibly fashionable